You are now part of an Elite few...
Congratulations on completing Renewed Man Boot Camp!
You’re now ready for the next stage. If you experienced a shift and the results you were looking for during Boot Camp we hope that you will accept this invitation to continue on the path with the Renewed Man Deployment
- A group of men — a Brotherhood — is waiting to connect with you.
Ready to walk alongside you to conquer the stress and anxiety of life.
Ready to train with you to become masters of their God-given masculinity
Ready to jump in the trenches and do battle with you.
Ready to shed the garbage of the world and really feel ALIVE
It’s a Brotherhood unlike any other. It’s a place where you can talk about things you might not be able to share with your friends, people in your church, or even with your wife. It’s a fellowship focused on GROWTH. It is a battalion of MEN who are reclaiming, and renewing their masculinity.
It’s not a frat party. It’s not about growing beards, or bench pressing 300 pounds. It’s not about becoming the CEO of a billion dollar company. It’s better than ALL of that.
It’s going to be work. But at the end of the day, when you brush the dirt off your hands, wipe the sweat from your face, and look at the man you’ve built, you’ll feel a healthy sense of pride in a job well done. And then you’ll feel the firm pat on your shoulder from a brother who was there with you the whole way.
What You'll Get in the Renewed Man Deployment
The Community functions much like the Renewed Man Boot Camp. But instead of focusing on each of the 12 keys over the focus of a week, we go more in depth, and focus on them over the course of a month (with a mix of other teaching in between). Like the Boot Camp, you get:
a weekly overview teaching, with a video that focuses on the theme of the month — one of the 12 keys
daily teaching content and quick task for the day
daily email reminder — highlighting the content and task for that day
small group accountability
a private, online community to support one another
What Does this Cost?

RM Deployment
Costs $97 per month. This includes all Daily Online Content PLUS a weekly coaching group led by Mark Brouwer.
Renewal awaits.
Stay connected to the man you want to be.